Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Wake County Homes Sales Thru September

The good news for our local market is that it is improving. We started out the year with home sales approximately 40% below last year home sales. At the end of September, home sales compared to last year were about 24% lower than last year. Major improvement over those 9 months.

July and August brought sellers out and increased home sales by about 30 to 50% over previous months. Home sales typically increase over the summer months as buyers want to get their children in school at the beginning of the school year.

September homes sales were not as strong as July and August but that is a normal market trend. September home sales were 15% lower than August which falls right in line with the change in home sales across those 2 months from previous years.

Are we settling into a more stable, normal market? The answer to that question will be seen in a couple of months. Stay tuned.



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